法律文书翻译样本4摘选(答辩状) - 英译中 |
原文: |
NOW COMES the Defendant,____by and through his attorney, _____, and for his |
Answer to the Complaint of the Plaintiff, states as follows: |
1. The Defendant invokes his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination as |
to each and every allegation contained in Paragraphs 1 through 75 inclusive. |
2. As to CountⅠ, the Defendant makes no answer, as the allegation in Count I are not |
directed towards Defend. |
3. As to Count II, the Defendant invokes his Amendment privilege against self- |
incrimination as to each and every allegation contained in Count II. |
4. … |
5. … |
6. … |
7. … |
WHEREFORE, the Defendant prays that the Complaint of the Plaintiff be dismissed |
in its entirety and no relief be afforded whatsoever thereunder. |
Respectfully submitted, |
by_________ |
Attorney for Defendant |
_________ |
译文: |
答辩状 |
被告XX现到庭,通过其律师就原告的诉称作出如下答辩: |
1.被告援引美国联邦宪法第五修正案规定的“不自证其罪权”对抗原告在其起诉状中第 |
一至第七十五段所包含的每一种诉称。 |
2.对于原告在其起诉状中的第一项案由,被告不做任何答辩,因为原告起诉状中的第一 |
项案由并未直接针对原告。 |
3.被告援引美国联邦宪法第五修正案规定的“不自证其罪权”对抗原告在其起诉状中第 |
二项案由所包含的每一种诉称。 |
4. … |
5. … |
6. … |
7. … |
由此,被告请求法院驳回原告的所有请求事项,不给予原告任何一种救济。 |
此致 |
原告签名_________ |
原告律师签名 |
_________ |